Utah County Soccer Club
State Level Teams for NUCS
Serving Lindon, Pleasant Grove, American Fork, Cedar Hills, Highland, Lehi, Alpine, Saratoga Springs and Eagle Mtn.
UC Soccer Club has over 40 competitive teams, 80 AA teams and over 400 recreation teams.
8 Weeks of Skill Training
A total of 8 training session for 1-hour each week.
What is the P2HS for NUCS Players?
This is an opportunity for recreation and AA players to get more skill training to prepare to play at the next level. Our goal is to help 7-12 year olds learn the fundamentals in soccer and grow to love the game and to help with the transition to a more competitive league.
Programs are offered in the Fall and Spring
Fall Session
Duration: 4 weeks - 1 hour session twice a week.
Cost: $75 per player
Soccer apparel, water and cleats.
Includes a Soccer Gift for each participant
You choose the locations that works best for you.
Monday Sessions - 550 East St. Art Dye Small Field - American Fork
Tuesday Sessions - Mitchell Hollow - Highland
Wednesday Sessions - Lehi Elementary - Lehi
Click on the times below to register​
7-8 Year Olds​​ (Boys and Girls)
9-10 Year Olds​​ (Boys and Girls)

Spring Session 2019
Dates: March 26 - May 17
Duration: 8 weeks - 1 hour session each week.
Cost: $75 per player
Soccer apparel, water and cleats.
Includes a Soccer Gift for each participant
Multiple Locations and Days. You choose the 1 day that works best for you.
Monday Sessions - 550 East St. Art Dye Small Field - American Fork
Tuesday Sessions - Mitchell Hollow - Highland
Wednesday - Lehi Elementary - Lehi
Thursday - Central Elementary - Pleasant Grove
7-8 Year Olds​​
9-10 Year Olds​