Utah County Soccer Club
State Level Teams for NUCS
Serving Lindon, Pleasant Grove, American Fork, Cedar Hills, Highland, Lehi, Alpine, Saratoga Springs and Eagle Mtn.
UC Soccer Club has over 40 competitive teams, 80 AA teams and over 400 recreation teams.
Interesting Articles
Guidelines for Parents of Children in Sports​
The six words your spouse and children need to hear today​
More Info to Come!

Q. What is Challenger soccer?
A. Challenger soccer is for kids ages 4-16. In soccer we refer to this as U5-U17. The "U" represents "under." There are no tryouts and no win-loss records are kept. Teams play within League 26 (North Utah County). The emphasis is on having fun and learning to love the sport of soccer. Teams are organized by neighborhood, with consideration for equalized skill level across teams. Coaches are encouraged to attend at least 1 FREE US Soccer Association training session. Challenger soccer fees include full uniform and both, Fall and Spring, seasons.
Q. What is District Competition/AA Soccer?
A. AA Soccer is for kids ages 8-17 (U9 through High School age). The ephasis is on skills and competition. Coaches are required to hold an USSF E License or obtain it during their first year of coaching. Winning teams receive awards. Team uniforms are required and selected by coach and team. Teams play within UYSA District 5 geographical area (Utah County). There is a Spring tournament for all age groups and a Fall tournament for boys U15-U18. Tryouts are held each May, please review the calendar for tryout dates.
Q. What are District Competition/AA Soccer fees?
A. Fee: $110.00 Registration for combined Fall and Spring season, plus cost of uniform. Maximum allowed cost is $225.00.